Saturday, October 22, 2016

HoHoHo Read-A-Thon November 9th-15th

Time for some jolly holly. Let's get some trimmings merry with berries. Get out the stockings and the recipe for your best hot cocoa... 
HoHoHo is coming early for you!

Here on ACME Teen Books - Kids & YA Too! we just adore the Holidays!  The sights, sounds, smells and memories are something we look forward to every year.

This year we're joining The Caffinated Book Reviewer for her 4th Annual Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon!!!

It's gonna be great!
You'll have the chance to participate in challenges, win prizes, meet new friends and join the Twitter party.

You are welcome to stop in one day or get your cocoa and snuggle up by the fire and hang out each day.  The more you participate, the more entries you will earn for the Participant Giveaway.

Kimberly needs some Challenge Elves who are willing to help provide entertainment and international prizes.  Please contact, tweet or message her.

Claire and Emme love the beautiful covers they put on Holiday books or while Malia and Ashley are lovin' their fabulous stories more.  How about you?

Well, during the read-a-thon you must read holiday themed or winter setting reads. For bloggers, we have spoken with most of the main publishing houses and for ARCs of holiday books released in Sept/Oct., they are fine with you posting a review in November and December since that is when folks tend to buy them.

We'll each read something so there will be more but for now we know we'll read:

What about you?  What will you read?

Below are the rules.  Please read them then grab the button and link up!

Non-blogger friends can participate as well.  Just link one of your social media accounts (Goodreads would be a really great choice)

We cannot wait to have this HoHoHo Holiday fun with you!!

Read-a-thon Rules

  • Link-up (it is not necessary to link to goal post, just link to account/blog you will be using)
  • Before or on November 9th post a goals post to your blog. (if you do not have a blog post to another social media site such as Goodreads, Facebook, Google+ etc ) Be sure and link back to Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It might be a good idea to friend, like or follow me on whatever social media site you use so we can see your progress. Just mention Ho-Ho-Ho so I can follow you back.
  • Grab the button and share!
  • Participate in at least one challenge to be eligible for grand prize
  • Read/listen to as many holiday themed or winter setting books you can.
  • Tweet your progress using #HoHoHoRAT
  • Twitter Party! Tuesday November 15, 2015 at 7:30 pm (EST) #HoHoHoRAT Come chat about the books you have read. There will be prizes.
  • Challenge schedule and Grand Prize widget and rules will post on November 9th at/by 8 am (EST)
  • Read-a-thon starts on November 9th 12:o1 am (your time zone) and ends on November 15 at 11:59 pm(your time zone)
  • Challenges will be open from 8 am (EST) on the 9th and stay open until Nov 15th at 11:59 pm (EST)
  • Grand Prize Raffle will be open until November 16th at 11:59 pm (EST) to allow you to submit entries.
  • All winners of challenges and grand prize will be notified by November 20th.

Grab the Button


Happy HoHoHo from Ashley, Malia, Claire and Emerald

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